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Fully Mobile

Are We Mobile Yet?

EduSpace Is Mobile

The classroom of the future must have the ability to go completely mobile. EduSpace is an app that students can download on their device and take their learning with them. Bridges, S (2019) mentions that "the mobile revolution is on the verge of extensive adoption. One area where the potential for transformation is perhaps greatest is the education sector."


An EduSpace classroom would take the best of Google Apps For Education, SeeSaw, Edmodo, PowerSchool and Hapara and role that into one seamless, all encompassing app for mobile education. The EduSpace app will reduce the amount of time that students and educators will have to navigate through multiple apps which will help streamline the classroom workplace. A report by Digital Promise (2017) stated that, "74% of school districts in the USA use more than 26 different edtech or software tools." This app will reduce the number of different apps and programs that children need to use dramatically.





"Mobile phones are misnamed. They should be called gateways to human knowledge." (Kurzweil, 2014)


Classroom of the Future (2017,  July 27)

A Day In The Life Of An EduSpace Classroom



Students would come into the classroom and log in to the EduSpace website, or alternatively use the app on their phone and immediately take their own attendance. They would log in to their accounts and use facial recognition technology to take their attendance.



Students would then be able to access their projects folders and begin work on their projects. In the future we no longer have subjects in class, rather larger, in depth projects that cover cross curricular concepts. Students use the AI on EduSpace to tailor projects to their liking while linking their projects to different outcomes in the curriculum. 


Teachers would then have access to the teacher dashboard via their mobile devices or laptops and could fine tune student projects in collaboration with the students to make sure it fits the curriculum. Teachers would also be able to help students with similar interests collaborate on projects by accessing the student learner profiles on EduSpace and directing students with similar interests to possibly work together. 



Students and teachers would be able to access a calendar and collaboratively organize their projects in chunks for check-ins to see how things are going and that the student is on track for due dates. 


Students can also use the built in collaborative tool on EduSpace to work with their partners and assign different sections of the project to different partners. 


Teacher Control


Teachers would have the ability to use their mobile device and pause screens to get student attention when needed. Teachers would also be able to monitor student screens to make sure students are on appropriate websites to help in their learning. 


Their would also be streaming ability built in to the app to allow the teacher or student to stream their device to the smartboard to share information or to also allow the teacher to stream information to the student screens.


Parent Access


Parents would be able to download the app or access the website to keep track of what their children are working on in real time. Parents will also be able to keep track of their child's assessments of their work so their are no surprises when report card time comes around. 


Complete Mobility


Today's student should have the ability to take their digital work with them and with EduSpace that will be a reality. Students will have full access to their projects at home or on the road with full functionality. Partial functionality does not cut it in the classroom of the future. 



Student, parent and teacher communication will be enhanced with EduSpace. There will be chat capability so messages can be sent and communication enhanced. It is vital for good communication between all and this will make it easier. 

Assessment and Feedback


Teachers would use their EduSpace to access their teachers desk and give instant feedback to students as they work on their projects. Instant feedback is important for students as they work on their projects. Educators could also use AI to create assessments to see students understanding of the concepts being covered in their projects. Students would take these brief quizzes and get instant feedback about their understanding.

© 2020 by Meipsy Shackleford

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