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What It Would Look Like

How Would An EduSpace Education Look?

One to One Devices

In order to make a vision like this work, students would have to have their own devices to use as needed throughout the day. If we are truly designing individualized learning, students can't wait to access devices.

Teacher As Facilitator

Education has been making the move to having the teacher act as more as a facilitator and mentor and this would allow the teacher to make that full move. There would be no more lecture style lessons and teachers would be free to move around the classroom to discuss different concepts and ideas with each individual student according to their individualized learning. Where a teacher notices whole class opportunities for scaffolding some learning by mini lessons, those opportunities could still be taken.

Designing A Personalized Learning Experience

Students would sign into their EduSpace app account and would answer some questions as to what interests them. AI would then take those interests and align them with the concept based curriculum. Students would then begin their learning journey. School will not longer have subjects, rather bigger concepts that students are to cover through their individualized learning. 

What Will Schools Look Like in the Future? (2016, December 19)

Educator Experience
Restructuring The Look Of A Classroom

A classroom that is ready to nurture the learners of tomorrow needs to think about how the classroom of the future should be arranged. If we truly want to foster an atmosphere of collaboration and sharing then we can no longer have a classroom with individual desks. A collaborative atmosphere should consist of thinking and sharing spaces with tables. There needs to be room to move.  


A Mobile Learning Experience

An EduSpace classroom of the future will be fully mobile. Education in the future must be able to be taken with the student anywhere they go. The EduSpace app will help make this a reality.

Having individualized learning for each student would seem to make it very difficult for a teacher to keep up with what each student is doing and what curriculum outcomes are being achieved. However, the teacher / student learning platform on EduSpace would have a teacher workspace where teachers would see exactly what each student is working on and the curricular outcomes being covered. The teacher would also be able to help adjust student learning via the shared learning platform being used. 

"Instead of learning to memorize facts and figures, students need to 'learn to learn' and how to solve problems" (Morrison, 2018)

No Textbooks

Textbooks will also be obsolete in an EduSpace classroom. If we don't want students to simply regurgitate facts, then we won't need textbooks. Students will need to learn how to navigate the web to find relevant information for their personalized learning. 

© 2020 by Meipsy Shackleford

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